Country Roads


Good morning,
As the week draws to a close, I hope everyone had a productive and pleasant week. I know that it’s been cold, but I honestly think we’ve been spoiled over the past several winters with little or no snow accumulation and warmer temperatures. It’s winter and this is how winters used to be. 🙂

I want to share an image that I made a few weeks ago of an old barn that sits alongside an old country road. It’s located by one of the local covered bridges here in Lancaster County that is very picturesque. Finding these old barns can be fun because they are scattered throughout the area, which means you need to ride around to find them. As photographers, we enjoy finding new areas and little surprises 🙂

Best of Light,


Star Barn


2014-3448Good morning and happy Thursday,
This past Monday Kelly and I made a quick run out to the Star Barn near Harrisburg. The potential for great clouds was there, unfortunately, they didn’t seem to appear in the right area (LOL). Nonetheless, I was happy with the images that we came home with!

Best of Light,


Weather Fronts


Happy Sunday,
As a landscape photographer I’m always keeping a keen eye on the weather. I also need to mention that I’m an early riser so most of the time I can check out the sky long before the sun rises with hopes of predicting a dramatic sunrise. The first thing I did this morning was check the sky for clouds. Noticing that we had some altostratus clouds in the sky I thought I would head out for a quick shoot.
Altostratus clouds are gray or blue-gray middle level clouds composed of ice crystals and water droplets. These clouds usually cover the entire sky. In the thinner areas of the cloud, the sun may be dimly visible as a round disk. Altostratus clouds often form ahead of storms that will produce continuous precipitation.

Best of Light,


Country Life


One of the real advantages of living out in a rural setting is the slow pace of life. We have country roads that are populated with Amish buggies and an occasional tractor that we contend with but hey, who’s complaining.

This farm sits on the site of the “Christiana Riot” or “Tragedy” as it became known, ignited a nation increasingly divided over the issue of slavery.

Best of Light,




Good morning everyone,

I want to share an image that brings inner peace and solitude to me. Don’t get me wrong I’m extremely social as most of my friends will tell you, but there’s something to be said for a little solitude now and again. I have to say, I enjoy it in moderation but truthfully couldn’t go for too long alone because I enjoy the company of others.

I think it’s the quietness of the winter forest and the allure of the running water that brings peace to me. I also enjoy the early morning mood with the cool blue colors of winter.

For me it’s a magical time alone alongside the banks of creek with a fresh blanket of snow on everything.

Best of Light,


Endless Mountains Visit


Hello everyone,
Over the weekend, my son (Zach), one of his buddies (Sarn) and I visited the Worlds End State Park in north central Pennsylvania. It was about a 3 1/2 hour trek to the cabin that is nestled among the hemlocks. The Loyalsock Creek which runs less than a stone’s throw away was absolutely beautiful, with snow and ice clinging to the edges.

Upon our arrival it was cold and dark inside the cabin with a cold woodstove waiting for us. It didn’t take long for Zach to build a nice cozy fire turning the cabin into a comfortable cottage for the weekend.

The cabin was set up into two rooms. The main room was equipped with a wood stove, electric cook-stove, refrigerator and dining room table while the other room were the sleeping quarters with two double bunk beds. Oh yeah, no running water (grin)

It was the perfect bachelor’s cabin 🙂

Best of light,

Chester County Camera Club Presentation

2013-3289Good morning Everyone,
I had the extreme pleasure of giving a lecture on “Composition and Light” last night at the Chester County Camera Club. It was a homecoming of sorts for me because that is where I started my journey moving into the photography business.
Although there were many new faces since I last attended a meeting, there was some very familiar and trusted friends present that I truly enjoyed seeing.

Best of Light,


Subjects that Attract



Happy New Year,
One of my goals this year is to do more blogging than I did last year. I seem to be pretty active posting images but I don’t nearly share my thoughts as much as I’d like.

We all have things that we are attracted to photographically speaking and old barns, buildings and windows are high on my list. Here is a set of old barn windows captured during our last snow just outside of Christiana…